The Altitude Adjustment Section
Tapioca pudding is a love-it-or-hate-it item. It's all about the texture. I had a boyfriend once who had a passion for creative uses for Tapioca, but that's a completely different story! Here is a great recipe from Susan Purdy's book The Family Baker.
4 cups milk, divided (3 1/2 cups 1/2 cup)
2 large eggs
1/2 cup granulated sugar, divided (1/4 cup 1/4 cup)
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla
In a saucepan, heat 3 1/2 cups milk until just hot to the touch but not boiling. Separate the eggs. Put the yolks in a medium bowl and the whites in the bowl of your electric mixer. Whisk the remaining 1/2 cup of milk into the yolks. Then add 1/4 cup of the sugar, the tapioca, and salt. Blend well, then pour mixture into the hot milk in the saucepan. Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes, whisking often. Now whisk for an additional 5 minutes till mixture comes to a rolling boil. Now whisk 1 minute more. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Set aside. Now get to the egg whites and beat on medium speed, slowly adding the remaining 1/4 cup sugar till soft peaks form. Spoon a large spoonful of tapioca into egg whites and fold gently, continue till everything is folded together. Let set 20 minutes. Serve warm or chilled. Nice if you have some berries to top it or a pinch of cinnamon.