Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Sleeping Dog Tavern and High Tea at the Hotel Saint Francis

Restaurant Review

The Sleeping Dog Tavern This slightly below-street-level (on West San Fransisco), dark and stylish bar serves up some tasty but kind of expensive gourmet bar food. My spinach salad topped with a small amount of perfectly cooked medium rare duck and an ice tea ran me over $20.00. Ouch! The angus burgers are more reasonably priced and excellent. If you have the stomach for it, the truffled french fries with Stilton make the beers go down with great ease.

High Tea at the Hotel Saint Francis What a lovely and surprising downtown experience. I felt like I had left quaint old Santa Fe and was in a real city for 2 hours. Service was super professional, the traditional wares (like the silver tea strainer, the three tiered plate holder, and Demerera sugar cubes) were all in place, and the scones were top notch, as were all the delicate little snacks. And they use real deal clotted cream!