Saturday, May 31, 2008

French 75

Refreshing Beverage of the Week
Keeping with our “Gay Paree” theme, I thought we should do cocktail using French Champagne. Remember, the best option is just buying the good stuff. No need to mix pineapple juice into Crystal, but if that is not an option, a refreshing mixed drink using inexpensive (even dare I say... New Mexican) champagne is a nice choice. Here is a recipe from Esquire magazine for the classic “French 75.” Wearing a beret is optional.

2 ounces London dry gin
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
5 ounces Brut champagne (dry)
Glass Type: Collins glass (tall and straight)

Put everything but the champagne into a chilled cocktail shaker, add cracked ice, shake well, and then strain into a Collins glass half-full of cracked ice and top off with champagne. Pour slowly or you will make a mess, trust me!