Saturday, July 12, 2008

Passion Fruit and Vodka Jelly Shots

Refreshing Beverage of the Week
Okay, it all started at my friends Vince and Diana’s Summer Solstice party. Right when you think you can’t eat or drink another bite, the hosts bring out the frozen hot shots. Jalapeño tequila, need I say more? "What’s that?" I ask. "Oh just try one!" And the rest is history. As much as I love little cookbooks, I also love strong, crazy, little drinks. It took me years to learn what all college kids know: I love Jell-O shots. So here is a great little recipe for a passion fruit and vodka jelly shot. Danger, Will Robertson! Danger!

1 ounce sugar syrup
2 ounces fresh passion fruit pulp (or I use “Pure” brand passion fruit puree)
3/4 teaspoon powdered gelatin
2 1/2 ounces vodka

Heat the passion fruit and sugar syrup till just hot. Sprinkle gelatin on top of the mixture, stir until it completely dissolves, then set aside to cool. Mix in Vodka, then pour into 6 shot glasses refrigerate for at least 3 hours or till set.