Saturday, September 13, 2008

Apple Cider Punch

Refreshing Beverage of the Week
Apple Cider Punch says autumn to me. New Mexico produces excellent apple cider in places like Velarde and north. This is a nice weekend beverage, it’s warm and soothing, the whole house smells great when you heat it, and personally I would definitely add some rum, it makes it that much more festive.

4 qt apple cider
1 cup packed brown sugar
6 oz frozen lemonade
6 oz frozen orange juice
6 whole cloves
6 whole allspice
1 tsp ground nutmeg
3 cinnamon sticks

Combine everything in a large, non-reactive pot. If you use the whole allspice, cinnamon sticks, and cloves, tie them in cheesecloth (to make them easier to remove at the end). Heat the mixture, do not boil. Stir occasionally. If you want an alcoholic drink, rum would be nice — add it at the end so you don’t loose all the medicinal effect of the alcohol.