Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lightly Breaded and Grilled Shrimp

Seasonal Recipe of the Week
Sometimes the simple things are the hardest things to make. How many times have you gone to a BBQ and been served dry, hard, grilled shrimp? So I was wandering through Marcella Hazen’s Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking and she discusses her process for grilling shrimp which is nothing short of brilliant. So here it is!

2 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and cleaned
3 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2/3 cups plain dry bread crumbs
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 lemon optional

Wash and dry cleaned shrimp. Put the shrimp in a large bowl. Add both oils and the breadcrumbs and toss to coat all the shrimp. Now add the garlic, parsley, salt and pepper, and mix well. Let them sit in this coating for at least 30 minutes, or up to 2 hours. Now skewer the shrimp two points per shrimp so they stay put. Cook about 2 minutes per side on a hot grill. You can also do this in the broiler. I like to squeeze a half of lemon over the shrimp while cooking. You know they are done when they get a thin golden crust. Cook up some rice or pasta and a salad and dinner is served!