Special Guest
Here are some notes from Andrea Lucia, the meatball Diva herself. You can call her directly at 505-660-9886 for the recipe and more instruction, or she can just sell you some of her little gems!
The Meatball Situation
It's always important to cook from the heart.
I listen to Italian music when cookIng Italian food.
I use milk with the seasoned bread crumbs to keep the meatballs moist.
I add extra seasonings oregano, basil, thyme salt and pepper to the seasoned store bought bread crumbs.
I find if the eggs are slightly beaten prior to adding to the bread crumb mixture, all ingredients mix together better.
So it would go...add extra herbs to bread crumbs, add milk, add the beaten eggs mix together well (don't let mixture sit, milk will cause bread crumbs to become thick...if it does...add more milk) and then add to the 3 meat mixture which has been blended together for even distribution.
Since I do not really have a recipe, (but now I am thinking of making one, once and for all). I always make a few small meatballs and place in water bath to check the seasoning.
I add 10 or so smashed garlic cloves into the hot water bath for the meatballs.
I use a slotted spoon to remove the bobbing meatballs to transfer then to the red sauce.
3 day process...(day one) shop...(day two)...make red sauce...(day three)...make meatballs.
I used bacon grease with garlic and onion when I first started making my red sauce,...(which is how I was taught)... but more times than not I use extra virgin olive oil (a little healthier).
My dad taught us how to make a "spaghetti sandwich"