Here are 2 yummy milkshake recipes, one from The Brooklyn Bowl and one from Mariah Swan. What a great afternoon treat. Eat some pretzel sticks, lie on the couch, watch bad TV. That's what I call a great day off!
Bourbon Street Milkshake
Ingredients1 cup vanilla ice cream
2 tablespoon whole milk
1 1/2 ounces Bourbon
2 tablespoons Nutella
1 teaspoon malt powder
Combine all ingredients except ice cream into blender and blend til smooth. Now add ice cream and blend until creamy. Serve in chilled sundae glass.
Spanish Latte Milkshake
Ingredients1 1/2 cups coffee ice cream
1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup milk
1 ounce Kahlua
whipped cream for garnish
Put everything in blender and whip til smooth. Pour into chilled pint glass and top with whipped cream. Do not operate heavy machinery while drinking, these are not for children!