Low-Cal But Still Lovely
Crepes: they sound fancy but what are they just really thin pancakes, full of great stuff! So here is a recipe for a lovely cornmeal crepe which you can make ahead of time and store in your freezer until company comes! You can dazzle your guests with your culinary skills while not killing your weight control.
1/2 cup all purpose flour
3 tablespoons yellow cornmeal
pinch salt
1 whole egg plus 2 egg whites
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup low fat buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon honey
Pinch ground Mace
2 teaspoons canola oil
Throw all the ingredients into the blender and mix for one minute. Refrigerate batter for 1 hour before using. Warm your 6-inch non-stick sauté pan and spray with canola oil. Pour a small ladle full of batter into pan and swirl around to coat the bottom. Cook for about 1 minute and then flip over and cook the other side 30 seconds. Put onto a lined sheet pan and continue. You should get about 12-14 crepes. Once cool, you can wrap and freeze them. Some suggested fillings: cider baked apple slices; low fat cream cheese and sugar free jam; Greek yogurt and strawberries; southwestern died chicken; and grilled veggies.