Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blender Chocolate Rum Mousse

The Altitude Adjustment Section
Whenever I see a recipe with unusual technique I am attracted to it. Sometimes this is a mistake, as some techniques are just gimmicky or strange and have been created by someone who doesn’t know what tools to use in the kitchen. This recipe is kind of like that, but I think it has great potential. Making mousse normally can require the use of lots and lots and lots of mixing bowls, so for those who measure their mess before they begin, this one is for you! This recipe is from 1966 and was recently re-published in the NY times by Amanda Hesser.

Note: After making it three times I have adapted it and now I think it is great. I reduced the amount of the gelatin and added more chocolate. You know what makes me happy!

1/4 cup cold whole milk
2 1/2 teaspoons (1 envelope) powdered gelatin
3/4 cup milk, heated to boiling
6 tablespoons dark rum
1 large egg
1/4 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate pieces
1 cup heavy cream
2 ice cubes
1 teaspoon vanilla

Put the cold milk and gelatin in blender. Cover and blend at low speed to soften the gelatin. Add boiling milk; blend until the gelatin dissolves. If gelatin granules cling to the container, use a rubber spatula to push them down. When the gelatin is dissolved, add the rum, egg, sugar and salt. Blend at high speed and add chocolate pieces until smooth. Add 1 cup of the cream and the ice cubes. Continue blending until the ice is liquefied. Pour into parfait or wine glasses or ramekins and chill. Top with whipped cream if you like. I like!