Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guests Laura and Orlando Trujillo: Food and Volunteering

Special Guests
This week I was honored to meet the Trujillos. Father and daughter, these two are an inspiration! They are both great New Mexican cooks, a skill they learned from their family, and are passing down the recipes to their children. They share their wonderful food and energy all over town through their extensive volunteer efforts. Once a month they cook a meal at the Saint Elizabeth's shelter (all from scratch) then they serve it to the residents, sit down and share the meal, and even supply music, sung by Laura's daughter!

Because they are such natural cooks and they are making family recipes they have nothing written down but I am hoping to receive two recipes from them soon and I will post them when I get them.

If you are interested in volunteering your services around town here are some places you can call: