Saturday, March 10, 2012

New York Eats from Stacy and Bernice

Highlights from our trip to NYC

Here is a list of the places we ate during our one week tour of NYC. Mind you this is just the highlights — now you know why I want to explode!

Eaterly located in the Flat Iron District this place has a marketplace, gift shop, bread bakery, pastry shop, coffee shop, pasta restaurant, seafood restaurant, pizza joint, chocolate shop, book store and anything else Italian you might want. And it's open late!

Babbo Maria Battali's original restaurant in the West Village. It used to be the Coach house. High priced, elegant setting, excellent and creative Italian food.

Joe Shanghai There are three of these, we went to the one in Chinatown on Pell street. Always crowded and no reservation taken, but the line moves really fast. They pack you in like sardines and forget about atmosphere, it's all about the food. They are known for their soup dumplings. The soup is inside the dumpling! so bite with care. Everything on the menu is excellent. The parsnip cakes were a treat!

Japonica on University Place, this sushi restaurant has been around forever and serves classic sushi in an elegant setting. Always super-fresh and delicious!

Balthazar In Soho, a beautiful French bakery and restaurant. I love sitting and people watching while nibbling on excellent pastries. Susan Purdy and I enjoyed a 3 hour lunch.

Van Daam a Dutch restaurant in the East Village full of beautiful people and weird pretentious food. Seaweed focaccia anyone?

Jules French Bistro on St. Marks Place, been around forever. Often there is live jazz and great old school food. Bargain!

Trestle on Tenth farm-to-table-type joint in Chelsea. Had a great piece of calf's liver and a decent Sazerac.

Ear Inn All the way west on Spring street. Guinness on tap, and one of the best burgers in town. Order a black and tan!

The Shake Shack 4 locations in NYC, in parks all over the city. Cheap, good-quality burgers and fries from restaurant genius Danny Meyers

Live Bait Oysters and cocktails in a shabby, funky, New Orleans-type setting on 14th street.

Chelsea Market really busy fun marketplace full of great fast lunch options. Incredibly crowded. They also have great shopping!