Saturday, May 26, 2012

Coyote Cactus

Refreshing Beverage of the Week
After I talked Jim into constructing the awards, we were invited to the AIGA Showdown a couple weeks back. There, among the best advertising and design from the region, we were served a Coyote Cactus. So when Stacy asked for a Refreshing Beverage using local products, Colin at Santa Fe Spirits was good enough to not only provide the recipe, but also the ingredients.

2 oz. of Silver Coyote Unaged Whiskey
2 oz. of Prickly Pear Margarita Mix
a dash of allspice (cinnamon & nutmeg) to taste
a slice of lime & orange

Their directions have you build it over the rocks and garnish with the fruit slices; since it includes cactus juice, I decided to squeeze the fruit and shake and strain it instead.