Saturday, February 16, 2013

Guest Sheila Vista: Sesame Facial Scrub / Candy

Seasonal Recipe of the Week
This week saw the return of Sheila Vista, the most cosmic woman in Santa Fe. She shared her experiences on Confusionquest, a wilderness training session, and some useful recipes.

Sheila’s Sesame Face Mask

1 Tablespoon buckwheat honey
2 Tablespoons raw sesame seeds
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine in a small sacred vessel and spread on your face. Gently rub on in small counterclockwise circles. Lie down on feather pillows and breathe deeply for 1 minute. Then rinse off with warm water and pat face dry. Moisturize as necessary and don't forget to breathe.

And with the very same ingredients here is the candy recipe:

Sesame Candy

1 1/2 cups buckwheat honey
3/4 cup white sesame seeds
1/4 cup black sesame seeds

In a medium-size sauce pan, bring honey slowly up to 305 degrees. Stir in sesame seeds. Pour mixture out onto greased cookie sheet. Do not use parchment. A non-stick spray coated Silpat works great. When partially cooled you can score to break into even pieces or just crack into shards.