Saturday, April 06, 2013

The April 6, 2013 Show

This week's show is an oldie-but-goodie! While your host Stacy Pearl was in San Francisco, KSFR aired a show from April 1, 2006. Stacy was joined by her original co-host Angela Reece and they chatted about Stacy's trip to England and France. Stacy shared two recipes: a delicious French ripe pear souffle and the traditional English "bubble and squeak." Angela's Refreshing Beverage of the Week was Pimm's Cup. Rula also stopped by with advice for her international people, but sadly Sheila Vista was trapped in her sensory-deprivation tank and was unable to join them.

Since this episode predates the website (OMG!), maybe you should email Stacy and ask for the recipes.

Listen to the April 6, 2013 show