Thursday, November 07, 2013

Thanksgiving Tips 2013

My people! Rula is here for you! I know, I know, for some of you, cooking for Thanksgiving can be very stressful. That's why you should go check out my surefire hints to improve the evening's meal:

❯❯❯ Rula Gives Good Bird ❮❮❮

Yes, fellow Pilgrims, these are the same tips I post every year, but — like me — they never go out of style!

Also, don't forget to catch Stacy's Thanksgiving tips the day before Thanksgiving, on the Santa Fe Radio Café with that darling Mary-Charlotte! That's at 8:30-ish am Mountain time (she'll be on after MC's annual playing of the entire, 23-minute-long, Arlo Guthrie classic "Alice's Restaurant"), on KSFR, 101.1 FM. And if you miss it (shame on you!), you can listen to the podcast on the Radio Café site!

Well, my little Giblets, it's back to Brooklyn for me — I need to pick up some sausage for my stuffing! Ciao!