Thursday, December 26, 2013

This Year's Sweets Tray

This year, I gave all my friends these trays of mixed cookies and candies for Christmas. They were so much fun to put together! From left to right: Passionfruit-Raspberry Gelées; Wheatena-Coconut Cookies with Royal Icing; Lapsang Souchong Truffles (top); Pomegranate-Pistachio Truffles (center); Chocolate Turtles with Bourbon-Soaked Pecans (bottom); Salted Maple Honeycomb Candy; more Wheatena Cookies; and Tangerine Gelées. Yum!


Monica said...

These were (yes, past tense) all deeee-LISH! Thank you for bestowing upon us such yummy treats! xoxox Mon (+ Bram)

Stacy said...

Only the best sweeties for my people!