Saturday, January 27, 2018

Paleo what? Vegetable wraps!

Seasonal Recipe of the Week
Recently I visited Santa Fe and had a great time because my friends are the best! One of my favorite meals was surprisingly at Sweetwater Cafe with the lovely and talented Helga Ancona of KSFR fame. She recommended I try the spinach paleo wrap with turkey, sweet potato and some other stuff — and it was amazing! So as soon as I got back to NY, with the info the owner of the cafe was kind enough to share with me, I set about to figure out how to make the wraps and it was soooo easy! Sweetwater does the spinach version so I started with that and then branched out to other veggies. I think with the basic formula the possibilities are endless. Remember, depending on the moisture content of the vegetables used you might have to play with it a little.


Assorted Vegetable Paleo Wraps

Ingredients for Green Spinach flavor
4 ounces spinach
3 eggs
2 tablespoons arrowroot
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 large basil leaves
1 sprig tarragon leaves
2 sprigs fresh dill

Ingredients for Curried Carrot flavor
4 ounces shredded carrot
3 eggs
2 tablespoons arrowroot
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon Ras al Hanouj
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon sugar

Ingredients for Beet and Dill flavor
4 ounces cooked beets, cut into cubes
3 eggs
2 tablespoons arrowroot
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons dill
2 tablespoons chives (add to batter at the end, do not purée into mix)

Procedure (for all flavors)
Pick one of the flavors above, then purée all those ingredients in blender until mixture is very smooth.

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat (low to medium for the beet version) and spray lightly with oil. Ladle some batter into the pan then quickly tip the pan in a circle so the batter coats the bottom in an thin, even layer. Let cook you until bubbles rise to the surface (like in the photo above) and the edges start to come away from the pan and brown a little. Then flip over and cook the other side for 15 seconds. Do your best not to brown the wrap too much, so the vegetable color stays bright. Repeat with the remaining batter. Don't worry, the first few are always borked, even for me!

Wraps hold well in fridge up to 4 days.

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