Greetings my fellow shut-ins! Wow, how life has changed since I wrote this post! I forgot about it, ate the jam already, and then just now I was going to write an inspirational post and this popped up in my drafts column. So I will post this now, and I will keep working on my next post which will be full of great ideas for bored, stressed people (my people!), fun DIY projects, and bad humor. Something to look forward to … in the meantime, wash your hands!
And now let's pretend life is normal.
It's Meyer lemon time! They just showed up in my regular old supermarket, so I figured I better get some and do something cool with them. Found this recipe for jam which is made with the whole lemon, pith and all (which sounded good to me). Then I added some great honey and a pinch of salt and ba-da-bing — a condiment with so many possibilities! From glazing grilled chicken, to a fantastic burst of flavor in my vinaigrette, it's even delicious in yogurt and blueberries — give it try!

1 1/2 pounds Meyer lemons
2 1/2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups honey
Wash the lemons and place them in a saucepan that can hold them in a single layer. Cover lemons with water and bring to a boil. Once the water is bubbling, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer the lemons for 25 minutes, until the skins are tender but still hold together. Remove the pot from the heat and let the lemons cool completely in the cooking water.
Place the whole lemons in a blender and add two cups of the cooking water. Blend at low speed to break up the lemons. Take care not to purée them entirely smooth.
Pour the lemon mix into a low, wide pan and add two cups of honey and bring to a boil over high heat and reduce to medium-high. Cook, stirring regularly, until the jam thickens and sheets off the back of your spoon or spatula. You can tell it's nearly done when it hisses and spits when you stir. My batch took about 15 minutes, but times will vary.
When jam is finished cooking, remove pot from heat. Put jam into prepared jars. Wipe rims, apply lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath canner for ten minutes. When time is up, remove jars from canner and let them cool.
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