Monday, July 08, 2013

Hello, my people! Do I have a some big news for you!

I have decided to stop producing my weekly radio show Mouth of Wonder.

Why? well, after 7 years of struggling to find time to write the show (which usually happened at 5:00 AM the morning of), trying to line up a co-host or weekly guest, and then trying to get to the studio to record — oi vey — I need a rest!

Does this mean I am off to the Bahamas to start my 'round-the-world sailing trip? I wish! Instead, I am going to turn this blog into a tour de force of information, entertainment, and hopefully fame and stardom. Rachael Ray, watch your ass!

How, you ask? With the help of my team of brilliant designers, photographers, and friends we are going to take it up a few notches. You'll soon see a redesign, making this the most fun, go-to food blog on the interwebs. We'll be adding new sections and topics, lots more photos and video, and opening up comments so we can chat!

(And if you still need some Mouth of Wonder radio in your life: KSFR will be running a selection of old classic episodes at the regular time while they work out a replacement show; there are shows available on iTunes; AND older shows at PRX.)

So stay tuned, stay hungry, and go cook something already!