Wednesday, August 07, 2013

blog updates

Hi everyone, Monica here.

As you may have noticed, KSFR has been playing re-run episodes of MoW the past few weeks. Stacy's no longer going to be doing the show (see the new FAQ!), but she's super excited to to be exploring new writing options here on the website.

Stacy's working on some new things that you'll see here over the next few months, like:
  • more recipes, more photos;
  • stories about her life in food, from family to career;
  • getting back into restaurant reviews;
  • tips and techniques;
  • equipment advice; and
  • interviews with interesting people who love to cook!

One thing that Stacy hopes to do more of is to hear from you! Comments are open on this post, so if you have any suggestions, or are particularly excited about anything in the list above, please let us know! Just click on the "comments" link below and follow directions in the pop-up window. Comments will be moderated, so it may take a bit for your comment to show up. Thanks!


Bram Test said...

Hi Stacy, testing the comment moderation.

Stacy said...

this is very excing! Thanks

Ramiro said...

This is cool!