Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Website Updates!

Hi there, all you Mouth of Wonder fans! Monica here, just letting you know that there are a bunch of new and improved features here at mouthofwonder.com.

There's a new Guest Hosts page featuring Stacy's co-hosts, past, present, and even future! (Don't miss Susan Purdy, who will be Stacy's guest on next week's show.)

And speaking of catching shows, we now link to KSFR's webstream page (which has a new MP3 stream just for us Mac users!) from the updated Podcast page.

There are fun new background patterns (my Grandmother-in-law's kitchen counters look just like that pink one!), and an explanation of the Bagel Rating System.

There's an even an easy way to get to the 20 most recent Restaurant Reviews now. And if that doesn't work for you, try the Google search box over there on the left — it's programmed to search only the Mouth of Wonder website. Isn't technology neat?

The links for all this good stuff are up there on the top left of every page, right above the Mouth of Wonder logo. Enjoy!